Multilingual show for young audiences
Adress :
1 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler, Bibliothèque Humaniste
67600 Selestat
67600 Selestat
Opening hours :
1 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler, Bibliothèque Humaniste
67600 Selestat
67600 Selestat
Nearest Station : 1,1
Multilingual show for young audiences: ‘ABC-Sùpp - La soupe aux lettres’ by Isabelle Grussenmeyer
Once upon a time, an Alsatian witch fell in love with a magician. To seduce him, she decided to write a love poem. But it's not easy for a witch... even with a magic formula and an extraordinary recipe for letter soup, and especially if her animals get involved! Will the witch succeed in her fabulous ABC-Sùpp and enchant her lover with a sweet word?
A fun story that will amuse little animal lovers and curious children who like to play with letters. It also awakens childhood memories in older children. The different languages - Alsatian, French, German and many more - bring out the flavour of this famous ABC-Sùpp!
From age 2-3.
With the support of OLCA.