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Show : le vieux qui lisait des romans d'amour  

Adress :
4 rue des Tilleuls, Les Synergies
67600 Muttersholtz

Opening hours :

Antonio José Bolivar knows the depths of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants, the noble Shuar people. When the villagers of El Idilio falsely accuse them of the murder of a white hunter, the old man leaves his romances - the only escape from the barbarity of man - to hunt down the real culprit, a majestic panther...

Narrated by Lénaïc Eberlin, directed by Alberto García Sánchez, dramaturgy by Julien Tauber, co-produced by LaCuisine, fabrique artistique.

With the support of the DAC de Guyane, the Ministère des Outre-mer, the GIP-ACMISA, the Région Grand Est, the Collectivité Européenne d'Alsace and the City of Strasbourg.

Ages 10 and up.


4 rue des Tilleuls, Les Synergies
67600 Muttersholtz

Nearest Station : 7,8

How to go there