Les Trois Brigands Let yourself be seduced by Les Trois Brigands, a stage adaptation of the famous children's tale, directed by Gilles Rico and Jean-Philippe Guilois. This captivating show blends theater, music and humor to transport young and old into a universe as poetic as it is surprising.
Synopsis Three fearsome brigands, armed with an axe, a bellows and a pepper pistol, sow terror in the countryside... until they meet Tiffany, a little orphan girl full of mischief. This unexpected encounter will change their destiny and transform their hearts. A funny yet touching adventure, where the power of mutual aid and generosity comes to the fore.
Don't miss this spellbinding show, which brilliantly revisits a timeless classic!
Les Trois Brigands
Let yourself be seduced by Les Trois Brigands, a stage adaptation of the famous children's tale, directed by Gilles Rico and Jean-Philippe Guilois. This captivating show blends theater, music and humor to transport young and old into a universe as poetic as it is surprising.
.Three fearsome brigands, armed with an axe, a bellows and a pepper pistol, sow terror in the countryside... until they meet Tiffany, a little orphan girl full of mischief. This unexpected encounter will change their destiny and transform their hearts. A funny yet touching adventure, where the power of mutual aid and generosity comes to the fore.
Don't miss this spellbinding show, which brilliantly revisits a timeless classic!