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Fountain of the Emperor Constantine  

Adress :
Rue du Général de Gaulle, 68240 Kaysersberg Vignoble

Located on the church square (or place Jean Ittel) and considered as one of the most beautiful in Alsace, the fountain of the emperor Constantine was erected in 1521. Made of pink and yellow sandstone and restored several times, it has been classified as a historical monument since 1932. The man who dominates the fountain is the Roman emperor Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus (272-337), famous for having put an end to the persecution of Christians during the Edict of Milan in 313 and for having put in place reforms that favored the rise of Christianity in the empire. According to tradition, it was his mother, the Empress Helena, who discovered the relics of the True Cross (kept at the time in the Church of the Holy Cross, just beside the fountain).


Rue du Général de Gaulle, 68240 Kaysersberg Vignoble
How to go there