Tourist Office - Munster Valley
Adress :
1 rue du Couvent, 68140 Munster
Opening hours :
janv à mars, nov & déc - lund au vend 10h-12h&14h-17h, sam 10h -12h&14h-16h //avril à juin, sept&oct : du lund au vend 9h30-12h30&14h-18h, sam 10h-12h&14h-16h // juillet&août - lund au vend 9h-12h30 & 13h30-18h30 Sam 9h30-12h30&13h-18h dim 10h-12h30
In April, May, June, September and October Open Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:00 pm and from 2 to 6 pm - Saturday from 10 to 12pm and from 2 to 4 pm
In July and August : Monday through Friday from 9am to 12:30am and 1:30pm to 6:30pm - Saturday from 9am to 12:30am and 1:30 to 6pm - Sunday from 9am to 1pm
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