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Hip-hop dance: Méridio  

Adress :
13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar
MeríDio is Greek for share. A dance of dialogue and intermingling, a reflection of migrations and cross-fertilisation, MeríDio celebrates the different movements and influences in hip-hop dance. Six women from Cyprus, Italy, Greece, France and Bolivia have inspired MeríDio. Each dances with her own culture, codes and language. Mehdi Diouri wanted to bring them together, blend their sensibilities and combine their energy. MeríDio is a feminist, internationalist hip-hop bombshell that reminds us that all culture is about sharing, and that women are an integral part of hip-hop culture, having shaped and moulded it. By sharing their differences, they are inventing a new way of dancing in today's world.


13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar
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