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Adress :
13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar

Opening hours :
Salle de spectacles Europe

ExpéKa is a bridge between Guadeloupe and Martinique with a shared history and a similar journey around the theme of negritude at its broadest. Gwoka was born during the period of slavery in the West Indies, and has its origins in the African music sung and played by the slaves on the old plantations. For four centuries, the Ka drum has accompanied the evenings of the Lewoz, but also the demands of the West Indians.
Casey, the daughter of Martiniquais born and bred in France, has chosen rap as a way of embracing her Antillean culture and denouncing the ills of her generation. Célia Wa is a committed Guadeloupean flautist and singer, a star of the new soul and ka generation, and the leader of projects in which she highlights the ills of our society. Under the direction of Sonny Troupé, virtuoso drummer, percussionist and composer from Guadeloupe, whose first instrument is the ka drum, and alongside exceptional musicians from Guadeloupe and Martinique whose eclecticism is their strength - Didier Davidas on keyboards, Stéphane Castry on bass and Olivier Juste on the ka drum - they form the group ExpéKa, where everyone finds themselves in this grey area where everything is possible.
Standing place


13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar
How to go there