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Circus - Newroz  

Adress :
13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar
Newroz means new day in Kurdish. To celebrate it, Bahoz Temaux from La Meute has created a circus concert with a Persian flavour. The show is a musical and acrobatic allegory of the identity crisis of a man living with the prejudices associated with his gender, colour and dual culture. It is also a form of play on appearances, a form of dialogue between a heart made of music and a body playing with risk. Acrobatics becomes an outlet, sublimated by the delicacy of the poetic thoughts we are entrusted with. With Newroz, Bahoz Temaux gives us a testimony that is as powerful as it is gentle and tolerant.


13 rue d'Amsterdam, 68000 Colmar
How to go there