The new show presented by the Association Théâtre Animation de Colmar.
Imagine a small corner of France, with a butcher's shop, a cabaret, a convent and a kommandantur. Sprinkle in a pinch of black market, a dose of mysticism, a spoonful of patriotism and a fingerful of suspense; add a cast of characters, each more picturesque than the last; mix it all up... let it simmer and you've got ‘Au théâtre / A la boucherie ce soir! ’
Imagine a small corner of France, with a butcher's shop, a cabaret, a convent and a kommandantur. Sprinkle in a pinch of black market, a dose of mysticism, a spoonful of patriotism and a fingerful of suspense; add a cast of characters, each more picturesque than the last; mix it all up... let it simmer and you've got ‘Au théâtre / A la boucherie ce soir! ’