The Enchanted Forest is a magical forest with characters from fairy tales and legends of the Sundgau area and elsewhere. It occupies the town centre for 4 weeks.
Original staging, a magical and enchanting atmosphere set around ponds and forests recreated in the heart of the town with a contemporary aesthetic.
Characters and animals and 20 illustrated tales: the Flower Fairy, the Little Man of Blochmont, the Black Madonna, the Dwarves of Wolf Gorge, the Koestlach Witch, the Fire Dragon, etc.
Every day you can enjoy ice skating against a backdrop of fir trees at Place de la Halle au Blé, exhibitions at the Sundgau museum and the CRAC Alsace and the cave of fireflies!
There is also entertainment, concerts, storytelling, workshops, street performances, and so on, every weekend. You can also benefit from a visit from the Sundgau Tourist Office!
The Enchanted Forest is a magical forest with characters from fairy tales and legends of the Sundgau area and elsewhere. It occupies the town centre for 4 weeks.
Original staging, a magical and enchanting atmosphere set around ponds and forests recreated in the heart of the town with a contemporary aesthetic.
Characters and animals and 20 illustrated tales: the Flower Fairy, the Little Man of Blochmont, the Black Madonna, the Dwarves of Wolf Gorge, the Koestlach Witch, the Fire Dragon, etc.
Every day you can enjoy ice skating against a backdrop of fir trees at Place de la Halle au Blé, exhibitions at the Sundgau museum and the CRAC Alsace and the cave of fireflies!
There is also entertainment, concerts, storytelling, workshops, street performances, and so on, every weekend. You can also benefit from a visit from the Sundgau Tourist Office!